Professional trainer, consultant in business etiquette and international protocol, certified by EUROPROTOCOL - The European School of Protocol in Brussels and trainer in neuro-linguistic programming - this is a small part of Prof. Daniela Ilieva's business card. On April 11, her master class on "Successful Business Communication" will be held, which includes individuals who want to communicate professionally, successfully formulate their verbal and non-verbal messages and improve their body language.

Prof. Ilieva, can anyone really learn to communicate successfully? How long does it take to "build" the foundations of correct communication?

The ability to communicate successfully is inherent in all of us. We are all given senses to use to read communication signals; we can all build the verbal competence and emotional intelligence to send well-formulated messages. Communicating is the most natural state for us humans, and striving to be understood is the most natural pursuit.

The foundations of good communication lie in responsibility – that quantum leap in understanding communication that makes us commit to being understood exactly as we want, to formulate our message in such a way that the other party will perceive it at that moment precisely as we want. And to take responsibility to be understood. No blame games and no accusations.

How do we know we're on the right track?

Feedback is at the heart of communication. Only feedback of understanding, confirming that our message has reached our interlocutors exactly as we intended and reproduced exactly the desired result, is a signal that we are communicating successfully. It's not easy, but by taking responsibility, we actually rise to another level.

Body language is something that worries a lot of people. What should we know about it in order to broadcast the right messages?

All experts studying body language and the communication messages we send non-verbally agree that more than 70% of communication is done through non-verbal messages. We should not only realize this, but also focus much more on this significant element of communication. During the trainings I do, I pay special attention and teach the participants how to easily read the body language of the other party, how to see the "invisible" using our natural resources - our senses. I pay even more attention to the signals that we ourselves consciously or unconsciously emit, as well as on how to "self-program" positively through body language.

Is there a trick that helps us "get out" of ourselves and look at us through the eyes of our interlocutor?

Yes of course. Respect for someone else's model of the world helps. We all want others to respect our model of the world, so we owe it to the other party as well. Self-knowledge in any aspect helps us to know ourselves well enough not to have to see ourselves through someone else's eyes. When you know yourself, you are aware of subconscious reactions, of sensitive topics, of the influence that someone or something can have, it becomes a competitive advantage in any form of communication.

What is the first thing that is noticed on a first date? What should we watch out for?

People welcome us depending on our clothes, but in the end, they appreciate us for our intelligence. However, it comes to much more than that – our posture, overall image, body language, confidence and last but not least, the energy we radiate are all important elements of the first impression that we make which we cannot repeat again. Only the first time we make a first impression. During the various trainings that I do, the participants go through processes and awareness that change them permanently - both as the understanding of themselves and in relation to others.

Your master class on "Successful business communication – at the right time and place" will be held on April 11. What is the most important message you want to convey to everyone who will come to see you?

Successful communication IS possible only when we are ready to take responsibility. Personal image IS important and the recipe IS individual for everyone. Give in order to receive is most valid in communication - give attention, give sincere interest, give effort to be understood, give our time, and you will receive the golden environment for successful communication.

It is always worth to ... approach the other person with respect and understanding.

We should never be … successful at any cost.

If you want to communicate successfully, stop ... underestimating preparation - both in personal, image and professional aspects.

We are successful in negotiations when ... we end the negotiations with a sense of satisfaction on both sides.

I want to be even more ... balanced and wise.