Date of event: 01.12.2022
Venue: Sofia, 10 Vihren St
(at the building of "Risk Engineering" AD)
Duration of training:
6.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
There are many ladies who are extremely successful at managing people, processes and micro-universes, but struggle to manage their own relationships. Women who, against the backdrop of their triumphs at work, experience failure after failure in their personal lives and communication. Women who are misunderstood and do not understand what went wrong.
This training is for business women who want to find the right balance between the business dynamics in the corporate world and their personal life. Women who wonder if they have forgotten how to be ladies or if gentlemenship still exists.
The program includes:
1. What are the modern rules of communication between men and women - the rules that deliver gentle manners and also respect the woman's accomplishments?
2. How to do business like “the guys” without losing the woman in you.
3. How to be emancipated in the right way and how to fight for proper gender equality.
4. How to distinguish between etiquette "in the spotlight" and etiquette "in the discreet lighting": differences in etiquette in formal and informal environments, in work and non-work relationships.
5. How to give chivalry a chance and preserve our feminine nature?
6. How to be elegant and behave in a dignified manner in every environment and setting.
After the training, every lady will definitely feel more confident as a woman, because the focus of the lecture is not on theory, but on the lessons and practicalities of female life.
Price: BGN 180 per participant
Early registration price before 20.11.2022 - BGN 150