За да играеш убедително своята публична роля, трябва - подобно на актьорското изпълнение, да имаш определени знания и умения, да станеш автор на себе си и да изградиш свой публичен образ
Date of event: 10.04.2023
Venue: Sofia, 10 Vihren St
Duration: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Speaking in public is not like speaking to friends. Contrary to private life, in public life a person is in a role. In order to perform this role convincingly, one must - similar to acting – have a certain knowledge and skills, becoming the creator of one’s self and building one's public image. When can we feel satisfied with the results, how to formulate and achieve our communication goals, what media traps can we fall into...
The theory of the course will introduce you to the techniques of public rhetoric and behaviour, and in its practical part, it will give each of you the opportunity to practice by means of a simulation game. The programe will also encourage you to better explore yourself, to enrich and test your communication competences, familiarize you with the national media landscape and help you answer questions related to your specific professional profile.
The program includes:
- How to build a public image;
- How to correctly formulate our communicative goals in order to be successful;
- How to avoid media traps;
- Techniques of public rhetoric and behaviour.
Price: BGN 150 per participant
Early registration price: before 01.04.2023 - BGN 135