Frequently Asked Questions
За какво са полезни обученията по национални традиции и религиозни обреди?
Спазването на националните традиции и обичаи е признак за една по-висока култура и толерантност. Извисете се на друго ниво с нашите тематични обучения в областта.
За кого се препоръчват обученията по национални традиции и религиозни обреди?
Всеки, който общува и прави бизнес с хора от други държави, е длъжен да познава добре техните нрави. Това ще помогне да се предотвратят криворазбрани ситуации и ще му помогне лесно да чупи бариери.
Satisfied students
Violeta Borisova - business lady
I am delighted by the professionalism and energy with which work is done at the "Live Elegantly" Academy! I recommend the corporate training teams. They think out of the box and with a huge result and return. Personally, it was a big plus for me that training sessions were held at a time convenient for me and my staff.
Teodora - visual artist
"I had the privilege of attending "Elegant Thursday" at the "Live Elegantly" Academy. I met with inspiring people, I touched great talents. Thank you!"
Desislava Morales - actress
"Live elegantly" Academy, you manage to create an amazing atmosphere! With you, I feel part of a very special society.
Tsvetelina Marinova - performer
The art trainings of the "Live Elegant" Academy have no analogues. I am happy that I was able to take part in the music master classes. The contacts I have made are invaluable.