Social Etiquette Training

This training is a must investment for the modern human being.

How to feel confident in any situation, create the best impression and build a reputation of a well-mannered person is the basic in our course in Social Etiquette.

Upcoming Training

In attendance
13 February 2025 | 18:30 - 20:30

Past training

In attendance
14 March 2023 | 18:30 - 20:30
In attendance
26 November 2022 | 10:00 - 12:00

This training is a must investment for the modern human being.

How to feel confident in any situation, create the best impression and build a reputation of a well-mannered person is the basic in our course in Social Etiquette.

Frequently Asked Questions

Обученията по Социален етикет обхващат целия спектър на публичния живот и различните ситуации, в които непременно трябва да спазваме протокола на общуване

Ако изпитвате съмнения, когато сте на публично събитие, по време на бизнес комуникации или пък трябва да изнесете презентация пред хора, то нашето обучение по социален етикет ще ви ориентира как да станете първи приятели с обществения протокол.

Satisfied students

Violeta Borisova - business lady

Violeta Borisova - business lady

I am delighted by the professionalism and energy with which work is done at the "Live Elegantly" Academy! I recommend the corporate training teams. They think out of the box and with a huge result and return. Personally, it was a big plus for me that training sessions were held at a time convenient for me and my staff.

Teodora - visual artist

Teodora - visual artist

"I had the privilege of attending "Elegant Thursday" at the "Live Elegantly" Academy. I met with inspiring people, I touched great talents. Thank you!"

Desislava Morales - actress

Desislava Morales - actress

"Live elegantly" Academy, you manage to create an amazing atmosphere! With you, I feel part of a very special society.

Tsvetelina Marinova - performer

Tsvetelina Marinova - performer

The art trainings of the "Live Elegant" Academy have no analogues. I am happy that I was able to take part in the music master classes. The contacts I have made are invaluable.

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